The first advertisement with David Beckham is for the sale of perfume and colgne. The first this that draws your eye is his hand riding up her leg to her butt. After you are done looking at his hand you will notice the way he is starin directly at the camer competing for dominance in the situation. The girl on the other hand has a very weak facial expression like she has just thrown herself at him and he caught her. She touches his chest instead of the grip like he has on her. Also, notice the subtle colors and cutoff the dress she is wearing opposed to the black ensemble he has on appearing more dominant.
The second advertisement I chose was a Calvin Klein Jean ad. When you first look at this photo you can tell tey are trying to sell jeans because that is practically all that they have on. But what else are they trying to sell? Maybe the possible idea that if we wear these jeans we too will be able to engage in these types of activities? Or maybe we could have a body like this? The woman in this picture looks more like an object that these men are playing with and passing around. This only feeds the idea to men and women that this is what men want from their women. But in reality if a girl were to do something like this she would be called more names than I can think of. So is this really what men want?
In both advertisements we see the pattern of male dominance and how advertisements use both men and women in different roles to sell their products. Men are masculine with more control while the women tend to be weaker and not have the same type of physical control over men but know how to use their sexual control to get what they want. This is not a good image of either sex to sell to people.
I think the advertisement with Serena Williams is a great representation of females in a powerful way. She is doing something she is very good at and has entered into the male dominated sport world with class and style. Her facial expression is strong along with her body position but she still looks beautiful with her hair in a pony tail and a head band.
Oh my gosh! That second picture makes her look like such a slut! And yes, I totally agree with the Serena W. pictures!! Great pics!