The first ad I found perfectly describes what was talked about in class and in the readings this week. The first thing you see is "sex sells" which has been repeated many times this week, but not in a good way. The jean company turns it around and makes it a good thing, not that sex is a bad thing, but you wouldn't even know that the ad is for jeans. It shows a skinny, blonde woman sitting on top of a guy who has more control of her than you'd think. To me, the funniest thing about the assignment this week is that at first, I didn't really agree with the fact that most ads were degrading to women. But I typed in simply "2010 ads" in google image and 90% of the ads that popped up where clothing ads with half naked, way too skinny women. If its a clothing ad, don't you think they would put more emphasis on the clothes, instead of someone not wearing anything at all?
The second ad I found is simply the naked torso of an overly skinny woman with paint all over her. It's a beer campaign and I found more than one of these and they are intended to represent the brazilian life style with iconic figures that people can relate to, but how many people know about brazilian culture if they aren't from brazil? An american man would look at this and not see the paint or the people, they would see the naked body first, and the beer second, and probably go buy some. So I guess the ad was a success in the terms of "sex sells" and I also think about a common term in college.. "the more I drink, the better you look." Ironic for a beer ad? Probably not.
The last ad I found is something I think more women actually respond to, a nike ad that embraces a woman's curves. This ad is less related to a dominant influence, and more of a self empowerment for women. I feel like I see more ads like this than the degrading ones, but maybe I just wasn't acknowledging them as much as once that actually made me, as a woman, feel more confident.
I completely agree with you. When I first saw your jean ad I had no idea they were selling jeans! Sex sells even though we usually can't even recognize what they're selling. The Nike ad is really empowering. It shows women that we can embrace our curves and not try to hide them or lose them and that it's ok if we aren't toothpick thin.