Advertising today has become more sexy and revealing. Like most people will say, sex sells, and it does. I have two photographs found on the web, one for Tom Ford sunglasses and the other technology supplies such as and I pod or a Mac. While searching for these images, about eighty percent of the photos were of women. This is an absolute disgrace.
The first photograph advertising Tom Ford cologne is very promiscuous. It shows the bottom half of a white woman completely nude with a bottle of cologne covering her genital area. My first reaction to this photo was, WOW, and second, do men think if they wear this cologne they will get women that look like that?. This photograph tries to show the vulnerability of a woman and makes it seem like it’s just that easy. The next thing I notice was the woman has very thin and had a perfect “glow” about her (fake tan). These traits reinforce the beauty myth. Not too sure what would make them think this cologne would help men get women like that but like I said, sex sells.
The second photograph advertising electronic technology like and I Pod or a Mac, is at about the same level of promiscuous as the first. The photograph shows a woman completely nude covered in what appears to be stickers or magnets. This advertisement most definitely follows the beauty myths, exemplifying a thin, tall, almost perfect woman. The stickers or magnets on the women first made me think of them as branded. It makes them look like an object and not as a human being.
The first photograph advertising Tom Ford cologne is very promiscuous. It shows the bottom half of a white woman completely nude with a bottle of cologne covering her genital area. My first reaction to this photo was, WOW, and second, do men think if they wear this cologne they will get women that look like that?. This photograph tries to show the vulnerability of a woman and makes it seem like it’s just that easy. The next thing I notice was the woman has very thin and had a perfect “glow” about her (fake tan). These traits reinforce the beauty myth. Not too sure what would make them think this cologne would help men get women like that but like I said, sex sells.
The second photograph advertising electronic technology like and I Pod or a Mac, is at about the same level of promiscuous as the first. The photograph shows a woman completely nude covered in what appears to be stickers or magnets. This advertisement most definitely follows the beauty myths, exemplifying a thin, tall, almost perfect woman. The stickers or magnets on the women first made me think of them as branded. It makes them look like an object and not as a human being.
The third photograph advertising a nurse practitioner. This is a great example of working against beauty myths. The woman in this picture looks happy. She is portrayed as a well rounded working individual. This shows independence and that women are not to be looked at as object but of human beings that actually have a future and certain goals. If I were to create an add to portrays the equality that men and women should have it would be a photograph of a woman and a man working together in congress.
Ipod model.... just think what do you think when her mom or dad saw this? I know mine would not be happy with me at all.
ReplyDeleteClaire, great blog! The picture of the woman with a cologne bottle over her private part is disturbing. First of all the only thing being shown is that area and you can tell they STILL airbrushed the photo. That was a bad idea for that company. I also love the picture of the doctor, showing women can be successful in the working world just like men.