At first, I felt a little uneasy about the assignment. I am an avid Cosmo reader and I felt that by being so I am going against everything that women stand for. I try to think of my self as a strong independent women who wouldn't dare give in to what society deems as beautiful, however, these are the images that i see everyday(or rather once a month with my subscription). When scanning through my magazines I admire the models and I long after their clothing and makeup and hair. I go out and by the fragrances and I even try the workouts. Not once have I ever thought about how these magazines are not only objectifying women, but objectifying me!
In the first image that I found the LAST thing I noticed was the product they were selling. In the image that reads, "Take your best shot," they are marketing a brand of tequila. Not only do these marketers realize that sex sells but they placed their product on the model in a way where you'd think they were actually selling sex. When a guy sees this image, he's not thinking tequila. He's thinking large boobs and "taking a shot" at something else. The thing that I found most upsetting is that there is no face with this model. The ad makes only her body the important thing as if it is all she's good for.
The second image that I found that covers what we read and discussed this week, is an advertisement for BMW. There is a male model on top of a female model. The model, who is white, thin and blonde, gets across the sex portion that many ads seem to encompass, however her face is being covered up by a magazine showing a car. This to me was sickening. I wouldn't want my younger sisters to see this ad and not think that sex is important because the guy will only be imagining a car. I can't even imagine a person, a woman, who would agree to shoot this ad. While BMW may be selling a car, it comes with a side of low self-esteem.
The last image I found was not at first glance something that went against the beauty norms and myths that we have discussed. I actually passed this image quite a few times before i decided to look further. The caption reads, "help her to feel human again." The image of the woman is very strange. She looks fake. The has barbie doll-ish parts from her private area to her feel. She is also extremely thin. Not once when I looked at this ad did I think, "huh, beautiful." It made me sad. It made me think about all the women who consider this to be beautiful. I found this ad empowering because it's saying that this is not real life, this is not what it means to be beautiful.
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