Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Learning Module 6

Due Saturday (2/26) by noon
After reading the essay, “And So I Choose,” by Allison Crews place her discussion of “rights” in conversation with the article you read for class this week, “Beyond Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life?”  First (2 paragraphs), in your own words, please describe why each of these terms are in fact problematic or limiting to our larger discussion of reproductive rights.  Why were each limiting in Crew’s reflection?  What does a “reproductive justice” paradigm offer instead?  Second (1-2 paragraphs) reflect on the recent arguments surrounding legislation addressed to congress (see links below).  What do you think is at stake in politicizing women’s bodies and reproduction?  What would a reproductive justice argument look like in response to this legislation.

Learning Module 5 REDO

Due Wednesday 3/2 no later than Noon

Imagine you are participating in a conversation with the Combahee River Collective and, in a consciousness-raising group, you read the following article.  Using the Combahee River Collective Statement and what you have learned in the past weeks, discuss a black feminist perspective to this issue (In 2-3 paragraphs).   How would the Collective approach the issue, especially with regard to privilege, interlocking oppressions, “the personal is political”, and a critique of the limitations of dominant feminist and anti-racist approaches to hierarchies of inequality.  What new perspectives might they offer?  Be creative…imagine you are sitting at the table with them!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Learning Module 5

(due Saturday by noon)

Imagine bell hooks joins the Combahee River Collective and in a consciousness-raising group reads her article “Straightening Our Hair”, and shows the film clip “A Girl Like Me”.  Based upon your readings for this week, discuss a black feminist perspective to this topic.  How would the Collective approach the issue, especially with regard to privilege, interlocking oppressions, “the personal is political”, and a critique of the limitations of dominant feminist and anti-racist approaches to hierarchies of inequality.  What new perspectives might they offer?  Be creative…imagine you are sitting at the table with them!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

online module 4

A Partial List of Heterosexual Privileges

The most unfair advantage of being heterosexual is being about to love who I want and furthermore being able to “legally marry the person I love.” I think if you are able to love you should have the opportunity to get married and spend your life with that person. Number three is another one I never really thought about “I can hold hands, touch, and dance with the other person I love in public without fear of others’ reactions.” Living in the south my whole life I believe that most people are judgmental towards gays and would be offended if they saw two guys or two girls kissing. However, I wish that would change and the world would be open to every ones choice to love whoever they want. Finally number twenty “I can live life fully and openly with my family and friends.” Being a dancer I have several friends that are gay and to me this is the hardest part watching them live a lie to their family and others who are not accepting. I am able to bring my boyfriend around my friends and family with no hesitation, and I wish the same for my friends who are gay.

A List of My Privileges

1. I can cry my way out of getting a speeding ticket. (If the cop is white, and not a complete jerk I can cry until he feels bad for me)

2. I can walk into a classroom in Tuscaloosa knowing my race will be the dominant one. (There are more whites than blacks in Tuscaloosa)

3. I can love my boyfriend and not fear disapproval from my peers. (I am straight so they will accept him)

4. I can go on vacations during the year. (This would be because of my class, but being able to enjoy life and take vacations).

5. I can stand on the side of the road without being called inappropriate names according to my color. (We all know about the racial slurs happening in Tuscaloosa, and this needs to stop).

Examples and Privileges

The first of my three examples is from the Black male checklist and it’s “When I read African American History textbooks, I will learn mainly about black men.” I can see where this notion comes from. I remember in middle school we had assigned reading, and most of the books we read had to do with white male main characters. I can see this being the same with someone who reads African American literature. An example from the Heterosexual checklist that appealed to me was “ I can legally marry the person I love.” I do have that privilege and sometimes it’s easy to forget the struggle that so many other people have to go through because a state refuses their approval. Makes me feel grateful for the already circumstances, but motivates me more to be involved in the GLTB community, so that is finally something we can both equally celebrate. An example from the Male Privilege that caught my eye was “If I seek political office, my relationship with my children, or who I hire to take care of them, will probably

Not be scrutinized by the press.” This is very interesting to me, because it makes me think of Sarah Palin and all of the bad press she got about her personal life and family. Makes me wonder if it were a male in that position if it would even matter as much. This is just making me think of all the growing pains of equality that are still present in politics.

1.I will be more successful in acting because it’s easier for woman to pull emotion

2. I am not offered certain scholarships because I am white.

3.I am classified as ethic because of my dark features

4.If I wear a thong to the pool I am slut.

5.I will not walk by myself in a parking garage because I am woman.

The first privilege I listed has to do with acting in film, and theatre, and speech. It seems like woman are constantly more successful in the roles they play because of the abilities to channel “real” emotion to the audience. Time and time again in speech woman are winning first place in the acting events, because of how well they can portray emotion, tears, and headache. Very rarely is it when a male wins because of his ability to do all of those over a woman. When it does happen, people are wowed. The second one I wanted to talk about made me think about when I was a senior applying to schools. It was imperative for me to get whatever scholarships I could. My teachers gave websites and guides to where you can find them. I remember getting stressed out because the numerous amounts of scholarships that only pertained to an African American descent. There were so many cool one ‘s I wish I could do, but I couldn’t because I am white. Not to say there wasn’t any for white females, but the ones that seemed the most interesting and enjoyable were restricted from me.

My third checklist is something that has really stuck out to me since I transferred this fall from South Florida. I can’t even tell you how many times since I’ve been here that I have been out at a bar and some man has come up to me and asked me what ethnicity I am, because I have super dark hair and dark eyes. I understand those features are not dominant here, but I get comments like “ What island are you from, what country are your parents from, are you Spanish, Latino ect ect.” I find none of that offensive but I never got asked that so much until I moved here. The fourth ties into the third. It is very normal to see thong bathing suits on woman at the beach or at pools in South Florida. I believe it’s because there are so many people down there from different cultures and countries where nudity is more exceptional. Here it’s quite different, considering the reactions I got from people over summer when I wore just a bikini (not thong) cut bathing suit. Won’t be doing that again till I go home. The last one I think is one that all women are privileged too. Parking garages can be very scary, and there are so many instances where woman have been abducted. I can relate to a place I used to work at. It was a policy for no woman to walk to their car without escort from one of the male employees. Now I can recall times being frustrated because of having to get out of there for whatever reason. But in the end it’s something I’m thankful for.

On the Black Male checklist I do not agree with what number 12 says. I feel that it is just as important for me to keep my haircut nice and my hairline straight just as black women feel they have to keep their hair nice. What woman is going to want a man that doesn’t keep himself up? Number 26 speaks about consuming pornography and getting pleasure from the sounds and images of a man causing a woman pain. I have honestly never heard this before and where I from that would be considered very weird. I didn’t know that as a black man this was a privilege that I had. Number 27 states that in my culture women are disrespected and insulted especially mothers. Once again I never knew that and I don’t agree at all. Women are the backbone for black men considering that most black men are raised by a single mother. Every black man that I know including myself fears no one on this earth except our mothers. Black men protect their mothers at all cost so number 27 is to me is wrong.

I’ve realized since I been at this school that when I got to predominately white parties people there are interested in me just because I’m black. So my 1st privilege is “I am the center of attention at a party, especially if I am the only black man there. People in gender assume that because I am black I am a great athlete particularly in basketball. That is probably assumed because the NBA is mostly black and when we see black movies in most of them the guys go play ball for fun instead of doing something else. My 2nd privilege is “Even if they have never seen me play I am always chosen first to play ball”. My 3rd privilege is based off of my second privilege. Since I’ve been here I have tried new sports that weren’t offered to me back home. I realized that even though I may have never played a certain sport that because I’m a black man people figure I can adapt quickly and be good at it. My 3rd privilege is “I am never overlooked in any sport”.

Another thing I have realized since I been here is because I am black I automatically have respect no matter where I am on this campus. Black kids and white kids both respect me strictly because I am a black male. I could be the softest most sensitive kid at this school but some of these kids may never know that because before I even open my mouth most of them respect or fear me already. Where I’m from you have to earn respect its not just inherited so my 4th privilege is “I am given respect before I have to do anything at all to gain respect”. I have realized way more things since I’ve been here but because I am suppose to only do 5 this is my last one. As a black man I am given special priviliges on this campus that my white friends don’t receive. For example I have been invited to numerous frat parties and other parties in general and when I tell the people that have invited me who I am with they look at me and say and I quote “we want you to come not your lame white friends” I just find that odd considering that the frats only let in people that they know and females, but these frat guys were damn near begging me to ditch my friends so I could come party with them. With all that said my 5th privilege is “I am considered to be cool and a fun person to be around”. I can’t say that I don’t enjoy all of these privileges I’m realizing I have but this is all so crazy to me because before I came here I didn’t even know that I had privileges being a black male.

The Black Male Checklist

The first item on the checklist that caught my eye was number 5. It talks about how black men will be taken more seriously than a black man in a political office. I feel like this is untrue just by looking at Micheal Obama. She is more of a political influence than her husband. the next point is number 12 which talks about how black men don't have a hair standard like black women. I disagree with this one because i am a black man and I love to be freshly groomed and clean. The last point that i say was number 42 which talks about a women not being able to raise a son. I don't believe this is correct because I was raised by my mom and I have turn out just fine.

The first item on my checklist would be because I am a black man I will always be chosen first for sports. Since as long as time can recall African Americans always come out on top in athletics. Number two is because I am black that does not mean I am violent. Every black man is not a part of the stereotype. Number 3 would be that I have the privilege to a woman like a lady and treat her like one as well. Like my mama always said treat your queen like the queen she is and there wont be an unhappy thrown.

Number 4 on the list is I have the honor of holding up the line at any fast food restaurant I choose and daring anybody to say a word. That one is just for kicks. And the last item on the checklist is i will work harder than any other race because my people are said to be distend to fail. Just to show that you can do whatever you put your mind to. With these items and a couple more I think I'd be on the right track to being a Black Man

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Learning Module 4

(due Saturday by NOON)

1)    Choose three examples from either the White Privilege Checklist, the Male Privilege Checklist, and the Black Male Privilege Checklist, or the Heterosexual Checklist (Katz) that made you think about your own privilege in a new way and tell us why (1 paragraph)

2)     Now make your own checklist (5 items) and explain why these are privileges using the week’s readings and lecture.  Explain key facets of the systems of oppression (gender, racial, heterosexist) that exist to reinforce these privileges in your life (2 paragraphs).

3)    Go to your section’s wallwisher link for “Gender Microaggressions” (on E-learning).  Post an example of a gender microaggression.  Then post the message that this microaggression sends (this is a required posting and will count toward full credit for this learning module!)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

In the first advertisement it shows a picture of a young girls head on a grown womans's body. The caption behind the image of the girl/lady says just because she has the body doesn't mean she has the brain basically says that because she looks old enough doesn't mean she is. The caption at the bottom says that sex with and underaged girl is statutory rape.This add is is meant to show men that under-aged sex is a crime. It also shows the innocents of some of the young girls who are becoming experience to early.

The Second advertisement is from burger king about one of there new sandwiches. The picture shows a the sandwich positioned right in front of a womans mouth. To top that off the caption in the corner says it just tastes better. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what they are implying here. Yet that still doesn't make up for the fact that the way they are conveying their message is not right

The last advertisement is on for women's Nike running shorts. This ad has no excessive skin showing or any sexual gestures. Instead it has a woman with nice legs who must work out to keep her legs that way. This ad by no means degrades women, it in fact shows women with a good healthy exercise routine, they can have nice looking legs as well. You can tell that positive advertisement is more effective then negative just by the number of women wearing Nike's shorts around campus.

i did my homework

In the first image the company is advertising their candy bar to customers. Their advertisement is focused more on the body type of the two women instead of the candy bar. The company is saying that if you eat their competitors candy bar then you won’t have a nice body type, but if you eat their protein bar instead then you will have the perfect body. I think this ad is more directed to women more because they use two women in their image and its easier to play off of women’s insecurities about their bodies than it is to play off men. The ad also gets men to pay attention by having the women that’s eating the company’s candy bar in a bikini. So the advertisement is playing on women’s desire for the perfect body and men’s desire to have a woman with the perfect body.

The second image is from an advertisement for “Unforgivable Woman” a perfume created by P. Diddy. The image that we see is P. Diddy himself behind a woman in a sexual way grabbing her and seemingly trying to seduce her. The woman isn’t putting up a fight she just accepting whatever the male wants to happen. The first thing that comes to mind when looking at this image is not perfume it is sex. The message that the advertisement is sending is if a woman uses Unforgivable Woman then a man won’t be able to keep his hands off of you, implying that a woman wants a man not to be able to control himself around her. So basically this image is selling perfume and sex.

These two images are more focused on sexuality than the product they are actually trying to sell. In both pictures the product being advertised is significantly smaller than the images used to captivate customers and help sell the items. In today’s world sex sells and because everyone has this train of thought many advertisements that we see in our day to day lives are sexually based.

The last image is much more positive because it is empowering women rather than idolizing their bodies. The caption on the ad says “I’m making myself proud” with an athletic women stretching. The woman isn’t wearing any provocative clothing instead she has training clothes on which shows she is doing something positive with athletics. This image is saying that this woman wants to please herself instead of trying to please a man going against most ads portraying women trying to please men. If I created my own ad it would be something dealing with athletics. It would be a woman and man running a track race almost at the finish line and they would be right beside each other. My ad would be showing that women can be equal to men in everything.

The first image is for a Wonderbra advertisement. This is a pretty offensive ad being that it is implying that the blonde woman is stupid. It does this in several ways. First, the caption says= “I can't cook. Who cares?” Its basically meaning that her skills have no input on why you should like this woman. Instead you should like her for the size of her breasts. Second, The woman has sort of a sexy/ confused look on her face. This is another representation of the blonde woman being unintelligent. This is offensive to me because I am a blonde woman and I take pride in my brains. Third, this woman has extremely large breasts. This is not an accurate representation of the common woman. So this makes me think who is this ad really for? Women, or men?

The second advertisement is for Nikon cameras saying their new camera has automatic face detection, up to twelve faces can be detected. Well Nikon decided to put two attractive women in lingerie in a questionable position in a bed. Nikon has already grabbed the attention of most men who flip through magazines. They also had the females put sexy stares on their faces. The horrible part about this ad is there are actually people from other apartments looking at these women through the open window. Also, there is another man who has been hiding behind the curtain watching the women. This ad is basically telling of the typical male fantasy. What man wouldn't want to have two half naked women in their bed? On the other hand, most women would not want to be half naked with another women. So this is just not very realistic.

Finally, the last advertisement is for Secret deodorant. It features an average looking woman holding up deodorant. This woman is not very exposed nor is she slender and sexy. Her secret is she has not shaved her armpits in three months, and the only reason she did was for this advertisement. This ad is basically saying this woman is happy with her body, and doesn't feel the need to make herself super sexy in order to be loved. This is an empowering ad and women should be pleased to see this in a magazine because there are not many ads like this in the world.




The first advertisement is for the "wonder bra." It is giving women the impression that med don't care if you can cook or anything about you, as long as you have big boobs and a banging body. It devalues women and everything they can do. The message it sends across is that women need to look like her to get a man and this bra can achieve that look.

The second Advertisement is one for a men's magazine. It is extremely degrading because it has two naked women in the man's room and the caption says "in a perfect world". One women is hiding in the closet that he can get out to enjoy whenever he wants. The other women is waiting in his bed barely clothed. It makes women look like objects in order to advertise a men;'s magazine.

The final advertisement it for Dove "true beauty". It is a quote from a women saying she is healthy and likes her body. She may not be what the media tells her is "perfect" but she is right where she wants to be with her life. It is empowering to women to hear another female sharing openly in the media that she loves her body.

In this first ad, for organ donation of all things, the woman is wearing very little clothing. Her body isn't necessary positioned overtly sexually, but her facial expression is sexual. She is a thin white woman, the ideal image of beauty in advertising. And she's promoting organ donation, of all things. The copy reads, "Becoming a donor is probably your only chance to get inside her." In the second ad, a woman who is styled to look young is being used to sell used BMW's. The copy, "You know you're not the first one," implies that even though the girl (or car) looks "new" or innocent and virginal, you as the "owner" would be the only one who knows that she or the car has been around the block a few times. And that you shouldn't care as long as the girl or car LOOKS "new". The third ad is for Nike, who has a new ad campaign targeting women that seems to be trying to expose beauty myths. The woman is healthy looking, and the copy says basically, "This is my body and I like it, because I made it" The copy reads at one point, "Some say [my shoulders] are like a man's. I say leave men out of it." If I were to create an ad campaign, I hope I would try to include both women and men using the product I'm trying to sell. There's nothing wrong with showing a product in the environment for which it was meant.

Beauty Myths

The Gucci image displays a girl showing off her tatoo of a "G" and a man rubbing her legs down where the tattoo is being displayed. I think this is inappopriate because Gucci is a very popular fashion line, and young girls probably see that ad all the time. In their eyes if it is being advertised, then it seems to be ok for that kind of behavior. I think this ad could easily be advertised in a more appropriate manner without the tattoo where it is, and the man looking like he is carressing over her.

The second image about coffee looks like the man is beating the woman for a coffee advertisement, and says she better not let her husband find out. I think this image is not displaying women as the independent women that we should be, but it is portraying women as letting the man take over in every situation. This image has a lot to do with gender, by people assuming women are the not strong and independent people.

The third image is advertising for bras, and the caption says "Draw your Weapons." I think it is really hard to display bras without not showing women being undisplayable. In Vicoria's Secret magazines, they have to display women like that because that is what they are famour for and what they are selling. The image is not as bad as a lot of them, but the caption, I believe is unnecessary when trying to display different bras and their sizes.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The first image is a clear example that sex sells. They are advertising Tom Ford for men. They are attracting men by almost exposing a female's breasts. They are explicitly selling cologne and are implicitly selling sex. There is a white woman with red lip stick and red finger nails. This is attracting males because for one she's white, and another thing, the red shows experience.

The second image also shows that sex sells. It is a fashion ad. This displays male dominance and the powerlessness of a female. The man has his hand around the woman's neck while another man is resting in a chair. He obviously doesn't care. The woman looks as if she wants the man to take control.

Overall, the first two images reinforce the beauty myths in many ways. They show male dominance and beautiful women. They also reinforce the beauty myths through race. The models are brighter than normal. Also, the advertisements seem to apply to the upper middle to high class living.

The last paragraph is the total opposite of the first two images. This shows innocence and applies to more family oriented people. The child displays innocence and the mother (Brandy) shows are connection to her daughter by smiling. If i was creating my own ad, it would probably be for sports. I think this would show a strong portrayal for both men and women because they both can be idols to many people.

In the first magazine advertisement that I found, Absolut vodka uses a woman with exposing, sexy clothing to make their product seem luxurious and attractive. The ad says that every drink is an exceptional experience in an Absolut world. I don't understand why they would say it’s an exceptional experience when they use a revealing photo a pretty woman to promote their product. Showing a woman with a sexy body has nothing to do with alcohol. Unless their message is that you can look like her if you drink our vodka, or perhaps women will look like this the more you drink. This picture says that beauty myths today are true because of the type of woman they use in their ad.

In the next advertisement, Budweiser portrays a naked woman in bed of their bottle caps, wearing a bottle cap bikini. This says a lot about how men will drink the beer that seems most appealing to them through ads. So many alcohol advertisements are using this technique these days to lure men in. These companies use women as an object, not a human, just to make their alcohol look luxurious and acceptable.

Most men like beer, and most men who like beer buy it usually pretty often. But there’s loads of beer in the world, so it can be hard to know which beer to buy. Often men who like beer will just buy a beer they’ve had before because they know they like it. Other times, if clever advertising people get their way, men will buy beer because they saw an advert with a sexy woman draped over the beer. Most men like sexy women. Often the same men who like sexy women also like beer. If you combine the two, men will obey. This process makes men look stupid, but it also makes men happy.

My last advertisement is for an award winning fitness and self defense gym. The picture shows a woman in very fit shape, who looks tough and ready to kick somebody's butt. She is not the typical beautiful girl you see in other ads, but she has an award winning body. The clothes she is wearing are not sexy compared to the other ads because they are covering up a decent part of her body. The ad says, "confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have." This statement works against all beauty myths today. It tells women that if you want to be sexy, you don't have to be like everyone else. You just need to be confident, and be yourself. There is no need for women to expose themselves just to get attention.

At first, I felt a little uneasy about the assignment. I am an avid Cosmo reader and I felt that by being so I am going against everything that women stand for. I try to think of my self as a strong independent women who wouldn't dare give in to what society deems as beautiful, however, these are the images that i see everyday(or rather once a month with my subscription). When scanning through my magazines I admire the models and I long after their clothing and makeup and hair. I go out and by the fragrances and I even try the workouts. Not once have I ever thought about how these magazines are not only objectifying women, but objectifying me!
In the first image that I found the LAST thing I noticed was the product they were selling. In the image that reads, "Take your best shot," they are marketing a brand of tequila. Not only do these marketers realize that sex sells but they placed their product on the model in a way where you'd think they were actually selling sex. When a guy sees this image, he's not thinking tequila. He's thinking large boobs and "taking a shot" at something else. The thing that I found most upsetting is that there is no face with this model. The ad makes only her body the important thing as if it is all she's good for.

The second image that I found that covers what we read and discussed this week, is an advertisement for BMW. There is a male model on top of a female model. The model, who is white, thin and blonde, gets across the sex portion that many ads seem to encompass, however her face is being covered up by a magazine showing a car. This to me was sickening. I wouldn't want my younger sisters to see this ad and not think that sex is important because the guy will only be imagining a car. I can't even imagine a person, a woman, who would agree to shoot this ad. While BMW may be selling a car, it comes with a side of low self-esteem.

The last image I found was not at first glance something that went against the beauty norms and myths that we have discussed. I actually passed this image quite a few times before i decided to look further. The caption reads, "help her to feel human again." The image of the woman is very strange. She looks fake. The has barbie doll-ish parts from her private area to her feel. She is also extremely thin. Not once when I looked at this ad did I think, "huh, beautiful." It made me sad. It made me think about all the women who consider this to be beautiful. I found this ad empowering because it's saying that this is not real life, this is not what it means to be beautiful.

In my first picture, the explicit thing that is being portrayed in the picture is that they got the female laying on the ground to where you can see her breast very clear. The advertisement is for some alcohol and it was really not appropriate. The creaters of this ad might thought this would attract more men to the product. The second picture shows an explicit picture of a woman with her panties half way down to the point you can almost see her vagina. This also is not appropriate for this advertisement. In the first picture, the implicit message might be that the man standing over her might wants more than just a drink. The same thing goes for the second picture. Its like he is encouraging her to pull her panties down.

In this two pictures, there was not a whole lot of beauty myths but the two girls in these pictures seems to be under the men's control. It seems as if they are giving them men what they want. It seem like in every classical tell, a woman's job is to make then men happy and they seems like what the girls are doing in these pictures.

In the first picture, its seems like the man was showing that he was dominant over the woman by how he was standing over her. He had her layin on the ground under him like he had made her do it. In the second picture, the man in the picture was showing dominance by looking like he was taking advantage of the woman.

My third picture shows a picture of Condoleezza Rice. This works against the dominant myth by showing that a woman can reach positions of great power. Another things is not only is Condoleezza a woman, but she is also a black woman of power. So this picture goes against the dominant myth two ways and that is gender and race. If I was to make an advertisement, I would have the woman and the man laying together on a beach with appropriate clothing on a beach holding hands. That way neither one of them are doing no more than the other.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The first ad I found perfectly describes what was talked about in class and in the readings this week. The first thing you see is "sex sells" which has been repeated many times this week, but not in a good way. The jean company turns it around and makes it a good thing, not that sex is a bad thing, but you wouldn't even know that the ad is for jeans. It shows a skinny, blonde woman sitting on top of a guy who has more control of her than you'd think. To me, the funniest thing about the assignment this week is that at first, I didn't really agree with the fact that most ads were degrading to women. But I typed in simply "2010 ads" in google image and 90% of the ads that popped up where clothing ads with half naked, way too skinny women. If its a clothing ad, don't you think they would put more emphasis on the clothes, instead of someone not wearing anything at all?
The second ad I found is simply the naked torso of an overly skinny woman with paint all over her. It's a beer campaign and I found more than one of these and they are intended to represent the brazilian life style with iconic figures that people can relate to, but how many people know about brazilian culture if they aren't from brazil? An american man would look at this and not see the paint or the people, they would see the naked body first, and the beer second, and probably go buy some. So I guess the ad was a success in the terms of "sex sells" and I also think about a common term in college.. "the more I drink, the better you look." Ironic for a beer ad? Probably not.
The last ad I found is something I think more women actually respond to, a nike ad that embraces a woman's curves. This ad is less related to a dominant influence, and more of a self empowerment for women. I feel like I see more ads like this than the degrading ones, but maybe I just wasn't acknowledging them as much as once that actually made me, as a woman, feel more confident.

The first advertisement with David Beckham is for the sale of perfume and colgne. The first this that draws your eye is his hand riding up her leg to her butt. After you are done looking at his hand you will notice the way he is starin directly at the camer competing for dominance in the situation. The girl on the other hand has a very weak facial expression like she has just thrown herself at him and he caught her. She touches his chest instead of the grip like he has on her. Also, notice the subtle colors and cutoff the dress she is wearing opposed to the black ensemble he has on appearing more dominant.
The second advertisement I chose was a Calvin Klein Jean ad. When you first look at this photo you can tell tey are trying to sell jeans because that is practically all that they have on. But what else are they trying to sell? Maybe the possible idea that if we wear these jeans we too will be able to engage in these types of activities? Or maybe we could have a body like this? The woman in this picture looks more like an object that these men are playing with and passing around. This only feeds the idea to men and women that this is what men want from their women. But in reality if a girl were to do something like this she would be called more names than I can think of. So is this really what men want?
In both advertisements we see the pattern of male dominance and how advertisements use both men and women in different roles to sell their products. Men are masculine with more control while the women tend to be weaker and not have the same type of physical control over men but know how to use their sexual control to get what they want. This is not a good image of either sex to sell to people.
I think the advertisement with Serena Williams is a great representation of females in a powerful way. She is doing something she is very good at and has entered into the male dominated sport world with class and style. Her facial expression is strong along with her body position but she still looks beautiful with her hair in a pony tail and a head band.

Pigs, Seven Inchers, and Pregnant Nuns..Oh My!!!

The first image I want to start with is the Burger King advertisement. Clearly one of the most obvious attractions is directed to the woman with her mouth open about to eat a sub. This automatically makes the consumer think of oral sex. The surprised look on her face, is one of how "large the sub is." Everything about it is related to oral sex. From the print of it saying " IT'LL WILL BLOW YOUR MIND," to the clarification at the bottom of the "Bk Super Seven Incher." The target audience is clearly not a woman. Most woman I would believe would find this offensive, thus because oral sex is usually a very private and personal thing between two individuals. Also, age comes into play. Children who see this advertisement can look at this as a way to perceive a woman with objects that resemble their own phallic symbol. Promoting that it's either okay, or it's better if it is a certain size. It's not so much that I find this ad completely demeaning to woman, but more so the blanket message it can send to children about oral sex. Furthermore, I realize any ad can have a "negative message" to children but this just seems to scream oral sex to an audience who sell kids meals, and toys. That is the problem that I have with advertisement.

The second advertisement promotes " Ice cream" in all the wrong ways. The photo of the pregnant nun is a popular ad in Britain from a company called Antonio Federici Italian Ice creams. You will be surprised to know that these ads were surfacing around Europe for quite sometime before it became banned in September of 2010. If you notice not only is the nun pregnant but the catch phrases like " Immaculate conceived" is right above her breasts and next to the carton of ice cream. The Advertising Standards authority received numerous complaints from readers stating that it was offensive to Christians and that imagery with the saying "immaculate conception"was seen as mocking the beliefs of Roman Catholics. There are plenty of other images I stumbled upon of the pregnant nun about to make out with a very handsome man with the terms " give into temptation" next to where they were about to kiss. There are so many things wrong with this image. Ranging from offensiveness to religions, also a crude way to display a pregnant woman sinning while she is in the process of conceiving a child.

The problem with degrading advertisement is not just within the United States but also around the world. As much as the world differs in politics, and the stating of what is moral, you can clearly see a pattern where the offensive advertisement is something that is commonly shared. I thought the nun was the most interesting because a lot of times we can get caught up in the gender bias in ad's but it's one thing when a whole religion is being thrown into the mix. After all religion has a lot of times been a huge factor and building block for riots, fights, country separation, protests, and war. It's scary to see someone almost poke at something so fragile as religion.

The last image that I thought was interesting was the Trojan ad. I think this ad is done brilliantly and think it promotes and advocates some very positive things towards our society. At first glance you notice a bunch of pigs in the photo. The environment is a bar, with what it looks like, a lot of drinks, and groping. You can tell by the woman's faces that they are clearly not interested in them trying to convince, hit on them, or persuade them to do anything. In this ad the pigs are ultimately and metaphor for men who are not acting like gentlemen, hence the woman's faces as they are trying to get their attention. Centered in the middle of all this chaos is a very respectable looking couple who looks extremely happy. I think everything about this is promoting not only to have sex with someone who makes you happy, but also to have safe sex. Moreover, Trojan is well known condom company which gives them ethos in this ad. Not only that but also pathos because the pigs are indicating that they do not practice safe sex, and or have condoms on them. Whereas the young gentlemen looks smart and is prepared for whatever the night happens, with the safest intentions. I'm a big fan of the positive message Trojan is trying to get across.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The advertising today has done a complete 360 from what it was years ago. One reason being that people are not as conservative about their appearance. Men and women are both targeted to be put in racy advertisements because that what makes people believe they can look like them. My two images I choose are a perfect example of how women are expected be like around men.
This Dolce and Gabanna image is very promiscous and sexual. It is also very explicit. The main issue and disturbing thing in this ad is the fact that there is one girl and four girls, obviously trying to imply something guys want from every girl. Another problem would be that if a normal person was doing this and not being paid the girl would be called many strong words by her friends.

My other image shows a woman who is supposed to be teaching a class, however they have made it explicit by taking the picture from behind, and had her wear something very risque. I can not believe they would make somebody pose like this especially in a school where it is to be safe and free of people like this. When boys/men look at this image now they will always want to go to school because they will think that is how their teacher will dress. It would be another thing if she was dressed sophistcated and not posing with her butt out, but looking at her body image and figure I guess thats why she was the lucky winner of posing like this.
Both of my images are normal for today, and the only thing each publisher is worried about is getting the skinniest, most attractive woman or man and not worrying about trying to advertise what they want to people to buy. Since that were all used to however, nobody is gonna step and say these kinds of advertisements need to stop.

My last image works against the myths of beauty, because not all models are pencil thin with blonde hair. After looking through many magazines and articles, to me models come in all different shapes and sizes, just like a pair of shoes. This girl shows that she does not have to look the usual kinds of models and other girls who are like her should envy what she has done. Plus the skinny models should also take a look and realize it is okay to look this way and still model. If I was to create my own advertisement I would include a man and woman together, leaving out the racy poses and clothing, rather making it more conservative.