Thursday, February 3, 2011

bestupid_dieseljeans.jpg (750×485)

Cleary this diesel image is extremely explicit and just ignorant. “Smart may have the brains, but stupid has the balls” seriously? The worst problem about this ad isn’t even the words, but that the girl is flashing a camera. First of all, of course this woman is blond painting the well know picture and beauty myth that all blonds are not smart. Furthermore you can see this girl’s rib, which is another notion that to be able to wear these jeans you must be thin. This ad is exactly what Anastasia Higginbotham was referring to in her article “Teen Mags” about how a lot of magazines only like pictures of white, blond and very skinny women (138). No matter what this ad is just wrong especially trying to send out the message BE STUPID. Just curious is diesel saying that women who buy these jeans are stupid? Obviously.

The next ad I found is a Jimmy Choo ad, which is also very explicit. Here, the white woman is lying dead in the back of a car where a black man is standing holding a shovel about to bury her. This is terrible because this ad goes beyond a simple beauty myth and crosses over into a criminal injustice. The number one types of kidnaps and murders reported in the media are young, white, heterosexual, thin, higher-class women ( These women are targeted for this type of treatment and why would any company want to indorse something like this. Moreover, since she is dressed in a sexual outfit the mind only goes into thinking that there was something sexual going on before she died. Even worse this ad is discriminating against black men, illustrating that they are responsible for this type of crime. Male dominance is being played here as well; he got what he wanted from her and then is going to dump her body, making her a simple object. Jimmy Choo took a tragic event and tried to make it a sexy shoe advertisement, and I think they failed.

Both advertisements are typical for what we see in magazines and commercials everyday. Neither company is thinking about what kind message they are sending, instead trying to sell their products while discriminating both women and men. Something needs to change.

This picture of the women standing in a line is from a dove beauty campaign. I know that we talked in class about how dove is owned by the same company who produces the opposite type of ads as well, however this picture is showing many women of different ethnicities and body shapes. Although I would NOT at all say any of these women are fat, they are also not sickly thin. This to me is showing beautiful women who are not afraid to show off their bodies, which is something we should all strive for. Also I love that there is no male company standing beside the women making them look like sex objects, simply women feeling sexy in their own skin. If I had to create my own advertisement I would use a picture of my mom, who is a successful business women with a curvy body and try to send the message that with age comes wisdom and wrinkles and by no means should this be concealed.


  1. Ally, i thought this was a GREAT blog! you definately got the point across and showed how these advertisements were being portrayed. And in the dove campaigne, these women definately feel good in their own skin!... LOVE THIS POST!

  2. I completely agree with what you said about your blonde advertisement. That is just ridiculous and makes blondes look even more stupid. The pencil thin models should take a look at the dove add and know its okay to look like that and still be model.

  3. I love the dove ad because not only are they diverse but they are not all pencil thin. They also are not ashamed of showing their bodies! That first ad is ridiculous, she makes women look so bad! There are no words to describe that second ad!

  4. Be stupid. Wow. What a tag line for wanting to be beautiful. Nice blog, I enjoyed your analysis on it.
