Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Black Male Checklist

The first item on the checklist that caught my eye was number 5. It talks about how black men will be taken more seriously than a black man in a political office. I feel like this is untrue just by looking at Micheal Obama. She is more of a political influence than her husband. the next point is number 12 which talks about how black men don't have a hair standard like black women. I disagree with this one because i am a black man and I love to be freshly groomed and clean. The last point that i say was number 42 which talks about a women not being able to raise a son. I don't believe this is correct because I was raised by my mom and I have turn out just fine.

The first item on my checklist would be because I am a black man I will always be chosen first for sports. Since as long as time can recall African Americans always come out on top in athletics. Number two is because I am black that does not mean I am violent. Every black man is not a part of the stereotype. Number 3 would be that I have the privilege to a woman like a lady and treat her like one as well. Like my mama always said treat your queen like the queen she is and there wont be an unhappy thrown.

Number 4 on the list is I have the honor of holding up the line at any fast food restaurant I choose and daring anybody to say a word. That one is just for kicks. And the last item on the checklist is i will work harder than any other race because my people are said to be distend to fail. Just to show that you can do whatever you put your mind to. With these items and a couple more I think I'd be on the right track to being a Black Man

1 comment:

  1. There are many privileges given to a human being regarding their sex. Not having to worry about not receiving a job because of your sex can take a load off of your shoulders. Better yet, not having kids aren’t even frowned upon, especially for us males. Perhaps sleeping with many women wouldn’t make me a “slut”. Men are given special privileges strictly because of our sex. I never really looked at it this way until now. This showed me that I have certain advantages without even working for them. This bothers me a lot, but it has been going on for a very long time. I do not think this is right all though it makes life easier for me., it also restricts all women .

    Checklist: 1) Since I am a black, I don’t have to spend as much money on clothing to fit in. 2) Since I am a male, I don’t have to wash dishes because my wife, girlfriend, or mom will clean them for me. 3) Since I am straight, I wont be judged when trying to receive a job. 4) As a male I won’t have to worry about having that perfect shape.
    5) As a male I won’t be at funny for using both sides of the gym.
