Friday, March 4, 2011

If I woke up and the world had completely reverses and being gay was now considered normal I would honestly think I was having some crazy dream I wouldn’t believe it. It would take a lot to convince me but once I was convinced I wouldn’t switch to being gay. For one thing I love women too much just to give it up because everybody else does. Heterosexuality it just like homosexuality in the fact that we have no control over who we’re attracted to. Women attract me like crazy and I have absolutely no attraction to men and that wouldn’t change just because everyone else is. I mean its just like being black in segregated times I wouldn’t be able to change my skin color in public and you should be proud of who you are regardless so I wouldn’t even like pretend I was gay to be accepted. I wouldn’t even want to be accepted like that besides since it would be fake they would catch me pretending and I would still be outcast.

I would think this some crazy stuff going on, how the world just gone change overnight like this. My life would change a great deal I would go from being a sexy, normal, accepted guy to a sexy, weird, unaccepted guy. I’m pretty sure my relationship with my family would be strained if I all of sudden became the only heterosexual but they my family so I know they would accept my decision and support me even if they didn’t agree, that’s what family does. As far as letting other people know I’m straight if people came up and asked me if I was straight I would tell them yes but I wouldn’t just walk around with a sign on my chest saying “I’m straight Hate Me”. I would have the same mentality that I do now as long as you leave me alone I have no reason to mess with you so just leave me alone.

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