Friday, January 14, 2011

Check out a survey of random men's thought of Feminism.


  1. Provocative clip DeMarcus...we have sent the rest of the class to your wallwisher to spark a discussion! Great contribution!

  2. I actually used this clip in a presentation that i put together for a Global Studies class. It really intrigued me to research what a modern feminist would describe herself as and really encouraged me to disprove a lot of these stereotypes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That was a funny video! Some of those guys sounded like idiots!

  5. When the man said "Militant, angry women trying to get their way in the world" just made me laugh. and what are men? not militant angry people trying to get their way in the world too??? Not that all men are like that by any means, nor women obviously. That isn't something based on sex, I believe that is something based on how a person was raised, or just their personal opinions and if they are just generally greedy. great video though!
