Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1 comment:

  1. My general perspective after reading the assigned readings and being new to the idea of feminism is that back in the first wave of feminism women were much more conservative, generous, loving, helpful arouund the house and care taking of there kids and family. After growing up in my generation and reflecting on how not only the roles of women but more specifically my mom the five words I mentioned to describe what I think of feminism is have not necessarily gone away but there meaning has altered. Not in a bad way have there meanings changed it is in fact to me due to the social and technological changes in socitey. The ideologies that have informed my view of feminism are that women today are precieved to be known as divas instead of back in the 1960's they were very conservative from how they dressed and interacted with others.
    Some grievances that are unsolved after reading those two documents are that the declartion says that women should not allow themselves to be treated differently. Women set up the issues and questionings of not being treated equally, however all it takes is confidence and effort to knock down some of the mens thought processes of thinking they do way more than women and their place in the world will always be higher than a woman.
    Sojourner truths perspective shows her feelings about she felt about not only womens rights but colored womens rights. One powerful quote she did say was "among blacks are women, and among women there are blacks"(Sojourner Truth). Taking this into consideration and with her being an aboltionist and feminist goes to show that no matter what you are male female colored or not you can do pretty much anything you want in life unless you are the kind of person who lets superiority take over and make you think twice about what you are allowed to do.
